Write For Us - Submitting a Guest Post on Paper Pinecone
Let’s face it. Parenting is hard. Working in childcare is hard. Finding childcare is hard. We seek to make them a little bit easier.
We love collaborating with content partners who are aligned with our brand and we take pride in bringing our site visitors the highest quality blogs that help them navigate parenthood, early childhood development, and the world of early childhood education.
If you have a fresh take on parenting, child development, or early childhood education, we want to hear from you! We love relatable stories, projects and activities toddlers and preschoolers can get their hands dirty doing, behavior management strategies for parents and childcare providers, early literacy ideas (including favorite children’s books), product reviews, and more!
We want our readers to be engaged and come away from our articles having learned something new or feeling like, “Yes, they get it! They get me!” First and foremost, we offer support, so any content we publish should be supportive as well.
Most of our blog posts are between 1000-1500 words. Check out our parenting blog and childcare provider blog and have a read of some of the content before submitting to get a good idea of the topics we like to cover and our style.
We also want to hear from dads and men who work in early childhood education (there are some of you out there!) so we can offer a well-rounded perspective.
Please review our guidelines below prior to submitting.
- All submissions meeting the above requirements should be emailed to us at [email protected]. If you are including more than one file, send them as separate attachments.
- Feel free to submit topic ideas in advance.
- We will get back to you within two weeks if your article is selected for publication. Please do not follow up with us until a minimum of two weeks have passed. We receive many submissions and they are reviewed in the order they are sent.
Tone & Topic Focus
- Topic focus should be on early childhood development, early childhood education, childcare, or parenting young children.
- Tone must be supportive of parents, children, and/or childcare providers.
- We promote inclusivity and equity in early childhood education.
- We promote positive discipline methods. Blogs encouraging punitive measures, including, but not limited to, time outs and spanking will not be published.
- We do not publish blogs that promote MLMs, are anti-vaccine, or explicitly promote sleep training. We recognize that sleep training is a necessity for some parents, however we’d prefer all parents have the support they need rather than having to resort to it.
- We support childcare providers and do not publish articles that have the potential to drive business away from legal group childcare.
- We welcome posts addressing race as it pertains to parenting young children, early childhood development, early childhood education, and childcare. We strongly prefer that these pieces are written by People of Color.
- Must be unique, useful, and relatable.
- May not contain hard sales tactics. If you are promoting a product or service, you may only include one link to your website.
- Blogs should be a minimum of 1,200 words.
- May not be published anywhere else online or off.
- Must link to at least one article from our own blog per 1200 words.
- Cite reputable sources via hyperlinks.
- For sponsored posts, one link to the promoted site is permitted within the content. A second link to a different source is permitted in the author's bio.
- Images, infographics, and charts should be sent as separate attachments, include source attribution, and you must show evidence of the right to use the content.
- Posts are accepted in Word or Google Docs, Arial, 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing.
- You must indicate if you'd like it to be published on our parenting blog or childcare providers blog.
You should also know...
By submitting the article you agree that:
- It is original
- You are the author
- It has not been published elsewhere
- It has not been submitted for consideration on other sites
- You will not submit the article to other publications until you hear back from us
We reserve the right to edit the post for both content and style. You will have the opportunity to review edits.
Paper Pinecone owns all content published on our site in perpetuity.